

It is the process of an in-depth analysis of a person’s deep psychological characteristics and their consequences for their life.

To learn more about human nature, please check the Socio-Functional Theory of Human Nature here.


The report itself is a  “PDF” file, structured in such a way as to present in an easy-to-read language, information about the unique manifestations of each of the characteristics of human nature.

The profiling process assesses a total of 150 constructs of human nature grouped according to the psychological needs they serve, in 9 separate types:

  • Unsatisfied psychological needs
  • Susceptibility to different emotions
  • Typical patterns of thinking
  • Physiological predispositions with psychological significance
  • Levels of interpersonal sensitivity and interpersonal tendencies
  • Social skills and group mechanisms
  • Adaptive habits
  • Maladaptive (toxic) behaviors
  • Core values (beliefs, attitudes, and preferences)

This makes it a service with no equivalent on the market!

Each report we prepare carries information about the profiled person’s specific individual characteristics that are unique to him!

This gives the person a chance to identify exactly what they can do to improve their performance, satisfaction, and happiness in their lives.

Psychological Profiling

Truly knowing ourselves is probably one of the most important tasks we have in this life!

Only then can we have full control over our lives and understand why all those things are happening to us.

Moreover, only then can we understand how other people see us and why they react and act toward us in the ways they do.

Last but not least, only a fully self-aware person is able to truly satisfy his needs and therefore maintain good mental health.

There are only two to achieve such profound self-awareness…


  • Through a lifetime of introspection and self-analysis or…
  • Through the process of psychological profiling

Don’t want to wait for a lifetime?

Get profiled Now:

Choose a package:

Choose your preferred payment method:

5 + 13 =


Steps of the process
  • After your order, you will receive an email with details about how to finish your payment.
  • Once we receive the payment, you will get an email with 3 links to our psychological profiling instruments.
  • Once you are done (the process takes 3 days about an hour a day) it will take us 1 to 3 working days to process the information and prepare your report.
  • You will receive your report in PDF format via your email.
  • Then (In case you had chosen either the “Profiling +” or the “Development” package) we schedule 3 online sessions, and if “Development” option – 6 sessions respectively).
  • Еach session lasts about an hour and a half (1,5 h.)
  • The schedule for the sessions is flexible and aligned with the client’s schedule. Meaning that we schedule them upfront in a convenient for both sides day and time.
  • Each meeting takes place in a convenient online medium with video and audio (This could be “Skype”, “Microsoft Teams”, “Viber”, “Telegram”, “Facebook Messenger”, “Google Hangouts”, or any other suitable channel for digital communication)
  • Sessions are led by a professional psychotherapist.
Methodology, Know-How, Delivery & Instruments
  • Psychological profiling is carried out through a combination of tested and proven psychometric tools, supplemented by individual sessions to validate and confirm the results and provide feedback. The sessions are conducted by certified psychotherapists and coaches with extensive experience in individual, family, and group psychotherapy, as well as organizational consulting.

Features of our tool: SFPI-R (Socio-Functional Personality Inventory-Revised®):

  • Consists of 3 parts; Each part takes approximately 45-60 minutes to complete; Each part is available in 2 languages (English, Bulgarian).

  • Standardization: The tools are standardized based on a representative sample of over 11,000 adults (aged 18 to 69) from four continents: the Americas, Europe, and Asia. The sample includes individuals of different genders, races, professions, job levels, and social statuses.

  • Predictive validity: Between .77 and .87.

Validity refers to the accuracy of the assessment (whether it measures what it is supposed to measure). Although there are several types of validity that psychology considers, the most important for our purposes is “Predictive validity,” or the ability to predict.

It tells us how accurate the tool is in predicting a specific outcome. In the context of personality analysis, a good tool will be able to predict how the individual will perform in a specific context.

Validity is typically measured by a coefficient between 0 and 1 (called the Pearson correlation coefficient). The closer it is to one, the stronger the predictive power of the tool.

The predictive validity of our instruments (SFPI-R) is between .77 and .87 for predicting real-life outcomes in six explicitly chosen life areas:

Intimate relationships: .87 Work, career, and business: .84 Reputation management: .83 Parenthood: .81 Psychological well-being: .79 Personal development: .77

For reference, a good comparison is to look at the validity of something completely unrelated.

For example, the predictive validity of “Ibuprofen” for reducing pain is only 0.14.

For a closely related example, the correlation between structured job interviews and job performance is 0.18.

  • Reliability: SFPI-R demonstrates exceptional reliability with a test-retest correlation coefficient of 0.90, exceeding the average test-retest reliability of similar assessments by approximately 10%.
  • Standardization: SFPI-R has established norms based on a diverse sample of over 11,000 individuals, enabling accurate comparisons.
  • Normative comparisons: SFPI-R provides percentile ranks that allow individuals to compare their results with the general population and specific subgroups.
  • Psychometric characteristics: SFPI-R demonstrates strong psychometric characteristics, with factor loadings exceeding 0.6 for all measurements, surpassing the average factor loadings of similar assessments by 25%.
  • Objectivity: SFPI-R utilizes a highly standardized assessment system with minimal room for subjective bias or personal discretion.
  • Clear instructions and guidelines: SFPI-R provides clear and detailed instructions, achieving 98% comprehensibility among test-takers compared to the average 85% in other assessments.
  • Accessibility: SFPI-R is available in two languages, catering to a global audience and ensuring accessibility for diverse populations.
  • Ethical guidelines: SFPI-R strictly adheres to ethical guidelines, guaranteeing confidentiality and personal integrity.
  • Coverage of constructs: SFPI-R covers a wide range of aspects of human nature, including 150 specific facets (constructs). It provides a more comprehensive assessment compared to all available commercial and free tools on the market.
  • Standardized assessment and interpretation: SFPI-R employs a standardized assessment process, ensuring consistent and reliable results. Its interpretive guidelines achieve a 90% consensus among practitioners, exceeding other assessments by 15%.
  • Feedback from the test: SFPI-R generates detailed personalized reports, offering in-depth analysis and practical recommendations. Test-takers report a satisfaction level of 95% regarding the clarity and usefulness of the feedback, surpassing other assessments by over 20%.
  • Scientific support: SFPI-R is built on the foundation of The Socio-Functional Theory of Human Nature. It is supported by a meta-analysis of several longitudinal studies (15+ years) involving over 20,000 individuals across four continents (North and South America, Europe, and Asia). These studies provide comprehensive information on the relationship between individual characteristics and the consequences of their lives.
  • Continuous improvement: SFPI-R undergoes regular updates based on feedback from practitioners and users, as well as norm updates, ensuring its continuous development.


Refund policy
  • In the case of the “Core Profiling” package – Once you received your report, there are no refunds, due to the informational nature of the product.
  • In the case of the “Profiling +” package – the funds for the last two sessions are refundable, in case you decide that you no longer need them. In this scenario, you need to verbally acknowledge this during the first (out of 3) sessions and send the request in writing to our official email immediately after the first (out of 3) sessions. In that scenario, you will receive a refund in the amount of 78 Euros (the equivalent of the last two sessions).
  • In the case of the “Development” package – again the funds for the last two sessions are refundable, in case you decide that you no longer need them. In this scenario, you need to verbally acknowledge this during the first 4 (out of 6) sessions and send the request in writing to our official email immediately after the first 4 (out of 6) sessions. In that scenario, you will again receive a refund in the amount of 78 Euros (the equivalent of the last two sessions).



  • Why do I do the things I do?
  • Which of my needs am I unable to satisfy and why?
  • Why have negative things happened to me that I have experienced?
  • Is there a risk of developing any mental disorders, and which ones?
  • How am I most likely to react in specific situations in the future?
  • What are my strengths and talents?
  • What are my weaknesses, how do I self-sabotage in life without realizing it?
  • What hinders me from achieving my goals?
  • How can I truly enjoy life and distinguish between what is beneficial and what is not (for me)?
  • What field of work/development is a good choice based on my profile?
  • What is holding me back from improving my standard of living and earning more money?
  • What kind of intimate partners should I seek based on my profile?
  • Which of my traits contribute to the problems with my intimate partners and how?
  • What prevents me from receiving the recognition I deserve?
  • What prejudices and irrational thoughts hinder me without my knowledge?
  • How does my physiology work for or against me?
  • How do other people perceive me and what reputation am I building without knowing?
  • What kind of environment do I create around myself and how do I influence others?
  • Why don’t people appreciate the efforts I make and the help I provide?
  • What motivates me at a deep subconscious level?
  • Why am I not happy, and what would make me happy in the long term?



  • You will learn about universal psychological needs and how to satisfy them.
  • You will improve your ability to identify and protect yourself from risks.
  • You will enhance your ability to maintain better physical and mental health.
  • You will improve your ability to anticipate and adapt to change.
  • You will improve your ability to see the perspective of others and understand them.
  • You will improve your ability to identify growth opportunities.
  • You will improve your ability to identify what is truly beneficial for you.
  • You will improve your ability to set meaningful long-term goals for yourself.
  • You will enhance your ability to identify, acquire, and retain resources.
  • You will improve your ability to build and keep close and intimate relationships.
  • You will enhance your ability to acquire social status and climb the social hierarchy.
  • You will improve your ability to analyze circumstances and phenomena logically and rationally.
  • You will increase your effectiveness and ability to achieve results.
  • You will improve your ability to socialize effectively.
  • You will increase your ability to control and influence others.
  • You will enhance your ability to genuinely (adaptively) help others.
  • You will improve your ability to build a good reputation and be better accepted.
  • You will increase your ability to cultivate and maintain happiness!




Our mission is to help you discover them and show them to the world in all their brilliance!

Realize and show the world how much you can give!


(Or what are the real benefits for each of the major areas of your life)

Love, Relationships and Family

  • You will understand how your individual characteristics affect your ability to build quality relationships, regardless of which of the relationship stages you are in (searching, early relationship, mature relationship);
  • You will find out what your strengths and weaknesses are in the context of intimate relationships. In other words, what to do and what not to do if you want to improve your relationship;
  • You will find out how you unknowingly self-sabotage your relationships with potential or current partners;
  • You will be able to answer the three main questions about relationships: 1) What type of partner is good for me (based on my characteristics)? 2) How do I win and keep such a partner? 3) How can I deal with interpersonal challenges in the relationship and build lasting and productive relationships with this partner while keeping the love strong?


  • You will understand how your individual characteristics affect your ability to be a good parent and what you can do about it;
  • You will find out what negative influences you are having on your children;
  • You will understand how are you unknowingly self-sabotaging yourself in the parenting process;
  • You will understand how your human nature derails you in each of the three main tasks of parenting (taking care of the child’s needs, teaching the child to take care of his own needs, and taking care of your own needs in the context of interaction with the child);
  • You will realize exactly what your strengths are in the context of parenting and how to use them in the most productive way possible;
  • You will find out how to take care of your children so that they can lead fulfilling, happy and meaningful lives;

Psychological Health

  • You will be able to identify types of challenges that produce big amounts of stress in you;
  • You will be able to identify the types of situations to prepare for and the types to avoid based on what’s stressing you the most.
  • You will understand if are there any and if yes, what types of psychological disorders you are predisposed or close to developing;
  • You will understand which are the general human needs and which of them you fail to satisfy over time;
  • You will find out what prevents you from satisfying those needs;
  • You will realize the negative consequences for your health and life, originating from the inability to satisfy your needs;
  • You will identify exactly what you can do to improve your ability to satisfy your needs and therefore improve your mental health and the quality of your life;

Work, Career and Business

  • You will identify the right career paths for you (according to your profile) so that you could be more motivated, satisfied and happy with your professional life and to find meaning in it;
  • You will identify your strengths and weaknesses in the context of working relationships;
  • You’ll find out how you’re unknowingly self-sabotaging your career;
  • You will find out what you lack to reach the next level in your career or business;
  • You will understand how your characteristics affect your ability to be a good leader;

Social Contacts and Reputation

  • You will understand exactly how other people view you and your characteristics;
  • You will learn how other people interpret your behavior;
  • You will understand how your reputation gets in the way of the pursuit of your goals;
  • You will find out what kind of people to surround yourself with if you want to be more satisfied and happy and find meaning in your social contacts;

Personality Development

  • You will find out what your personality characteristics are so that you can make an informed decision about what, why, and how much to develop from them;
  • You will be able to steer yourself in the right direction for personal development, instead of wasting time, effort, and resources.
  • You will acquire clear long-term goals for your life and build a coherent strategic plan to achieve them;

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