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Socio-Functional Psychotherapy

There are FIVE problems with most of the current psychotherapeutic approaches:


1. Current psychotherapy often is addressing the manifestations of psychological issues instead of the root causes.

2. After psychotherapy, people often feel better, but are not “armed” with the needed tools to prevent future issues or cope with them independently. Instead, they come to rely on their psychotherapist as a crutch instead of learning to cope with difficulties on their own.

3. A lot of psycho-therapeutic approaches are closer to fortune-telling and shamanism than to actual science.

4. Usually psychotherapy is too long, and almost feels like an endless process, with a lot of subjectivity about if and when the results will come.

5. All of the above makes the current psychotherapy a very costly and inefficient option for healthcare and well-being.

    That’s why we created Socio-Functional Psychotherapy – to help people deal with the core problems, in a timely and cost-effective manner, and to teach them to be able to do it in the future on their own!


    (Or how do we solve the FIVE problems)


    The path to improvement goes through understanding. And what’s more important to understand for our psychological health than ourselves?

    Addressing symptoms without knowing what causes them is the same as trying to put out a fire without removing the fuel that stimulates it…

    We use deep psychological profiling to identify the root causes of the challenges each different individual faces.

    Once the problem is identified and addressed, all the symptoms become weaker and less resistant to people’s efforts of overcoming them.


    No subjectivity and open-for-interpretation analyses!

    We are not philosophers… we are scientists! Our approach is based on the intersection of the latest neurobiological findings, psychometrics (personality assessment), and social psychology.

    We apply some of the best practices of different therapeutic methodologies, such as Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), Exposure therapy, Interpersonal therapy (IPT), Positive psychology therapy and others.

    We use data to apply real scientific knowledge to everyday life for real, measurable results!


    We provide all the needed soft skills, analytical thinking, self-understanding, social skills, and competencies that will help them to be able to deal with the problems by themselves currently, and in the future.

    Furthermore, the skills we teach our clients, for dealing with hardship are effective and applicable to all areas of life, not only to psychological health.

    We help each client to adopt strategic habits, that will prevent them to fall prey to similar challenges ever again.

    This results in them – being able to be their own support system and gives them back the autonomy they need to live a healthy life.


    We do not want you to be in therapy for years!

    We want you to be able to deal with hardship on your own and see results as soon as possible!

    That’s why we give you all the needed competencies for that and stay available for support only if/when needed!


    Subjectivity and ineffectiveness make psychotherapy a costly and inefficient process!

    • By fast identification of the core issues, we shorten the time to resolving the problem. That means – fewer sessions.
    • By providing you with all the needed tools, knowledge, skills, and competencies, we ensure your future ability to deal on your own. That means – no future spending.
    • By using actual data, we sky-rocket our ability to identify and address all the actual, real-life manifestations of the issues, instead of what’s on the surface. That means – effective, measurable applicability to all areas of everyday life.


    (In detail)

    • The Socio-Functional Therapy consists of individual online “sessions” each lasting about an hour and a half (1,5 h.)
    • The schedule for the sessions is flexible and aligned with the client’s schedule. Meaning that we schedule them upfront in a convenient for both sides day and time.
    • Each meeting takes place in a convenient online medium with video and audio (This could be “Skype”, “Microsoft Teams”, “Viber”, “Telegram”, “Facebook messenger”, “Google Hangouts”, or any other suitable channel for digital communication)
    • The duration of the program depends on the needs of the clients, their learning and implementation speed, how ready they are for a change, and how much time weekly they can spend on the therapy and “homeworks”.
    • Preliminary discussion for the initial introduction, questions & potential concerns (1 Session)
    • Step 1: Overall examination of the individual situation of the client (1 Session)
    • Step 2: The Socio-Functional understanding of psychological health (1 Session)
    • Step 3: Psychological profiling of the client and Results-based feedback (4 Online instruments + 4 individual Sessions on 8 different days)
    • Step 4: Connecting the dots between clients’ needs and capabilities. Gap analysis (for the needed competencies development). Developmental plan & scheduling (1 Session)
    • Step 5: Ongoing sessions for support & development of the needed competencies (identified in the previous module)

    ** None of the steps (modules) of the process are mandatory, and the client can decide to stop after each one of them

    The first session is free of charge (the preliminary discussion for the initial introduction, questions & potential concerns).

    After that:

    • As most of the program consists of individual sessions, the pricing is “per session”.
    • Each session is paid upfront (by one of the mentioned below methods)
    • The investment for a single session is 60 Euro
    • The exception makes only “Step 3” (psychological profiling of the client) which has a fixed one-time additional investment, and for which, the client gets an extensive, in-depth report about their psychological profile and its consequences for their life.

    Payment Methods Options:

    • PayPal
    • Revolut
    • Binance
    • IBAN bank transfer
    • The “Socio-Functional Therapy” is based on the “Socio-Functional Theory” and is backed by multiple longitudinal (15+ years) studies of more than 20 000 people throughout 4 continents, (both Americas, Europe & Asia) that provide an in-depth understanding of  people’s psychological health, and the ways this health is influenced by their personalities, neurobiology, lifestyles and social skills.
    • Psychological profiling is delivered through a set of well-tested and proven over-time instruments, backed by an individual sessions for results re-checking and confirmation.
    • Sessions are led by a certified psychotherapists with extensive experience in individual & couples psychotherapy.



    Let’s do a preliminary session for the initial introduction, questions & potential concerns

    It’s free of charge !

    Just contact us via your preferred channel:

