The risks of not knowing yourself…


Have you ever taken the time to really think about who you are? In other words, getting to know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, and what that means for your life.

In our work, we often encounter people who say they are too busy to engage in introspection and consider it a waste of time, effort, and resources…

Others say they are worried about what they will learn about themselves…

A third group feels embarrassed to self-analyze because it seems somehow selfish and self-absorbed…

What these people have in common is that after going through the psychological profiling process, they all are amazed by the information they receive and express great satisfaction that it happened to them!

Why is self-reflection so important?

Do you recognize yourself in any of the following statements:

  • Sometimes I have the feeling that I’m missing something about love
  • Parenting sometimes feels like “Mission Impossible” to me;
  • Sometimes stress and mental tension get to me more;
  • It seems as if other people are able to advance faster in their careers and businesses;
  • Sometimes I have a hard time getting along with people;
  • It seems to me that I am no longer developing;

What these statements have in common is that they bring us information about the fact that our lives may actually be stuck in one place in one of the important areas.

The good news is that there is a cure for this and that is psychological profiling.

It helps us identify the things we don’t know are holding us back; what we can really do and what we only think we can; what others think of us and how their opinions mess up our progress; how our thoughts, feelings, and actions derail our life without us even realizing it;

Have you heard the expression “Forewarned is half saved”?

That’s what psychological profiling and the self-knowledge that comes with it brings you: information about the problems inside you to save you from failing in important areas of life.