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Psychological Profiling – Explained

WARNING: Understanding psychological profiling and undergoing the process yourself could completely change your life! 

Psychological profiling is the process of in-depth analysis of a person’s deep psychological characteristics that are responsible for their overall behaviors, choices, and words. In simple terms, information about these characteristics provides clarity on how and why a person is likely to behave in the future, as well as the reasons behind their past actions.

Now, you might be wondering about the specific characteristics involved in psychological profiling.

Different profiling methodologies examine and assess various types of characteristics.

However, below is a comprehensive list of potential characteristics with psychological relevance that can be examined and assessed.

If you are considering undergoing such a process, it is advisable to find a methodology that assesses as many of these characteristics as possible:

  • Psychological needs (deep subconscious drives)
  • Susceptibility to different emotions (emotional mechanisms)
  • Typical patterns of thinking (intellectual mechanisms)
  • Physiological predispositions with psychological significance (physical givens relevant to psychological needs)
  • Levels of interpersonal sensitivity and interpersonal tendencies (interpersonal emotionality)
  • Social skills and group mechanisms (social mechanisms)
  • Adaptive habits (typical behaviors)
  • Maladaptive (toxic) behaviors (typical problematic behaviors)
  • Core values (beliefs, attitudes, preferences, prejudices/biases)
  • The combination of these characteristics forms what is commonly referred to as human nature. Understanding this concept leads us to the question: So what? Any knowledge is meaningful only if it can be used in real life. The value of understanding others and ourselves lies in the practical application of this knowledge.

Here is a list of potential areas of life that can be better understood and improved through psychological profiling:

  1. Needs Satisfaction & Psychological Health: Psychological profiling provides a clear picture of an individual’s basic psychological needs and identifies barriers preventing the fulfillment of those needs. It also sheds light on the predisposition to psychological disorders and suggests preventive measures.
  2. Protection: Profiling reveals major risks to an individual’s physical safety, public reputation, and personal image.
  3. Physical Health & Well-Being: Profiling offers clarity on the health risks associated with a person’s typical behaviors and potential health issues they may face.
  4. Dealing with Stress: Profiling identifies hidden stress sources and equips individuals with the skills to develop appropriate coping mechanisms, timely identification of stressful situations, and overall stress avoidance.
  5. Personal Development: Profiling helps identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas where a person may possess talent, facilitating personal growth and saving time by focusing on specific areas.
  6. Hobbies, Fun & Pleasure: Profiling identifies the areas of life that bring maximum pleasure and joy, enabling individuals to live life to the fullest.
  7. Having a Successful Career: Profiling sheds light on personal characteristics that may hinder career and business growth. It helps individuals aim for the right career path based on their profile.
  8. Money & Wealth: Profiling reveals subconscious tendencies and behaviors that may hinder wealth accumulation, allowing individuals to address those issues.
  9. Relationships: Profiling helps unravel the reasons behind difficulties in finding a partner, building relationships, and creating functional families. It assists individuals in identifying potential partners and improving current relationships. It answers the question, “Why are things not going well?”
  10. Parenthood: Profiling provides insight into the influence one has over their children, how their imperfections affect their children, and suggests ways to improve parenting skills. It answers questions like “Why do my children act the way they do, and why don’t they listen?” It also brings clarity to the question, “What do they need?” (even if they are not profiled).
  11. Getting Recognition and Social Status: Profiling helps understand why one may not receive the recognition and respect they deserve. It also suggests actions to improve their situation.
  12. Making Rational Decisions: Profiling helps identify subconscious biases, irrationalities, and mental distortions that hinder rational thinking. It enhances awareness of emotional influences and develops emotional intelligence.
  13. Improving Efficiency: Profiling reveals how a person’s energy is wasted and suggests ways to optimize the use of energy, time, resources, and social contacts.
  14. Social Contacts: Profiling provides an in-depth understanding of social mechanisms at play during interactions with others. It addresses the question, “Why do some people dislike me?” It offers insights into forming relationships with the right people based on an individual’s profile and suggests areas of improvement for more enjoyable socialization.
  15. Gaining Power: Psychological profiling sheds light on why individuals struggle to influence others and gain control over processes. It enables individuals to understand what it takes to achieve goals through others or as a group. It also helps identify how others might influence and manipulate them, thus enabling self-protection.
  16. Helping Others: Profiling brings clarity to the reasons why people sometimes fail to appreciate our help. It provides guidance on how to provide effective help and seek assistance when needed.
  17. Getting Accepted by Others and Receiving Fair Treatment: Profiling reveals problematic behaviors that may negatively impact how others perceive us. Our choices, words, and actions influence people’s opinions, which, in turn, have consequences for our lives and chances of success. Psychological profiling sheds light on how others perceive us and the negative social consequences that may arise.
  18. Happiness: Lastly, profiling brings perfect clarity to the activities, circumstances, people, and things that bring happiness to individuals. It answers the question, “What is happiness for me?” based on their profile.

The knowledge gained through psychological profiling can be applied in various areas of life. Here are a few examples:

  • Couple’s therapy: Profiling can identify differences between partners as sources of relationship problems.
  • Individual therapy: Profiling helps identify the root causes of psychological issues in individuals.
  • Parenting support programs: Profiling assists parents in addressing parenting challenges.
  • Career consulting: Profiling identifies suitable career paths and developmental needs for individuals.
  • Leadership development: Profiling determines appropriate developmental programs for individuals in leadership positions.
  • Personnel selection: Profiling assesses whether a person is a good fit for a specific position or organization.
  • Reputation management programs: Profiling identifies critical weak points that may damage an individual’s reputation.
  • Criminal profiling: Profiling aids in identifying perpetrators of crimes.
  • These are just a few examples, and there are many other areas where psychological profiling can be beneficial.

Now that you have an understanding of what psychological profiling is, its benefits, and its potential applications, you might want to consider which areas of your life could benefit from such a process. Why not consider undergoing it yourself?

If the idea tempts you, we propose you contact our partners at! They can offer you this service, in full – meaning analysis of the full list of the types of characteristics of your human nature mentioned at the beginning of the article:


Learn More about Psychological Profiling as a Service –  Here